Launched in September 2015 and managed by Mobiliari Group (publisher of Indonesia Tatler), Hitsss focuses on delivering interesting, inspirational, and the most-popular information for Indonesia’s creative millennial generation, with the aim of improving and enriching their quality of life. Our coverage includes topics on entrepreneurship, startups, creative culture, and lifestyles. Hitsss is aimed at promoting, supporting and nurturing these young minds, and we firmly believe in the potential of young people as a powerful force to drive this nation forwards.

To serve, build and connect Indonesia’s creative millennial communities


To become the go-to platform for Indonesia’s creative millennial communities, empowering them through knowledge, inspiration, connection and interaction

Our Audience

Communities of young Indonesian entrepreneurs, startup founders, young professionals, self-employed creatives, creative workers, and students with enormous curiosity and the need for self-actualization.

Our target market is 18-35 years old of young people who are :

  • Creative
  • Productive
  • Innovative
  • Early adopters of technology
  • Open-minded
  • Aspirational
  • Confident
  • Energetic
  • Optimistic
  • Forward thinking
  • Embracers of cultural richness
  • Stay current with trends
  • Aware of the issues affecting modern young people’s

What We Do

News & Stories
A source of information and inspiration We produce content that covers stories about young entrepreneurs, emerging startups, creative talent in various fields, Indonesian creative business culture, trending popular culture and youth lifestyles, funding, product reviews, and resources to inspire young people

Staying connected to the community We organize events to facilitate discussions and conversations related to youth lifestyle trends, and success stories and tips with some of the brightest minds

Connecting creative industries and young people We are building databased that allow both the creative industries and young people to discover and reach out to each other

Website & Demographics

  • Monthly unique visitors: 200,000
  • Newsletter database: 10,000
  • Page views per month: 500,000
  • Desktop vs mobile traffic: 49% / 51%
  • New visitors vs returning visitors: 84.5% / 15.5%
  • Origin channels – organic searches: 65.8%, direct: 27.3%, social media: 2%, others: 5%