Kami Memahami Kemewahan

“Tingkatkan Strategi Pemasaran Anda Bersama Kami”

Sebagai agensi media & pemasaran terkemuka dengan pengalaman lebih dari 28 tahun, Mobiliari Group telah membangun kehadiran yang kuat di antara pasar mewah dan individu dengan kekayaan bersih tinggi. Kami membayangkan sebuah dunia di mana merek-merek mewah dengan mudah menarik perhatian audiens mereka, meninggalkan kesan abadi di hati dan pikiran konsumen.

Kami Memahami Kemewahan

“Tingkatkan Strategi Pemasaran Anda Bersama Kami”

Sebagai agensi media & pemasaran terkemuka dengan pengalaman lebih dari 28 tahun, Mobiliari Group telah membangun kehadiran yang kuat di antara pasar mewah dan individu dengan kekayaan bersih tinggi. Kami membayangkan sebuah dunia di mana merek-merek mewah dengan mudah menarik perhatian audiens mereka, meninggalkan kesan abadi di hati dan pikiran konsumen.

Warisan Kami

Sejarah Kami,
Dampak Kami,
dan Nilai Kami

Sebagai agensi media & pemasaran terkemuka dengan pengalaman lebih dari 28 tahun, Mobiliari Group telah membangun kehadiran yang kuat di antara pasar mewah dan individu dengan kekayaan bersih tinggi. Kami membayangkan dunia tempat merek mewah dengan mudah menarik perhatian audiens mereka, meninggalkan kesan abadi di hati dan pikiran konsumen.

Didirikan pada tahun 1955 sebagai perusahaan penerbitan khusus, grup ini telah berkembang selama bertahun-tahun, memperluas layanannya hingga mencakup anak perusahaan Penerbitan & Lisensi Media, Kreatif, Acara, dan Pemasaran & Periklanan.

Warisan Kami

Sejarah Kami,
Dampak Kami,
dan Nilai Kami

Sebagai agensi media & pemasaran terkemuka dengan pengalaman lebih dari 28 tahun, Mobiliari Group telah membangun kehadiran yang kuat di antara pasar mewah dan individu dengan kekayaan bersih tinggi. Kami membayangkan dunia tempat merek mewah dengan mudah menarik perhatian audiens mereka, meninggalkan kesan abadi di hati dan pikiran konsumen.

Didirikan pada tahun 1955 sebagai perusahaan penerbitan khusus, grup ini telah berkembang selama bertahun-tahun, memperluas layanannya hingga mencakup anak perusahaan Penerbitan & Lisensi Media, Kreatif, Acara, dan Pemasaran & Periklanan.

Our Milestone


Didirikan sebagai perusahaan penerbitan khusus yang menangani majalah cetak berlabel putih untuk merek/perusahaan mewah dalam industri mode, gaya hidup, otomotif, dan perbankan.


Mobiliari Group memperoleh lisensi untuk Tatler Indonesia, yang mencakup majalah cetak, majalah suplemen, dan acara khusus, yang memperkuat posisi kami sebagai pemain kunci dalam industri media mewah.


Meluncurkan kehadiran digital Tater Indonesia, memperluas platform kami dalam pasar mewah melalui portal web dan keterlibatan di saluran media sosial.


Memperkuat bisnis melalui pengenalan Layanan Kustom, yang disesuaikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan tren di antara pasar dan komunitas mewah di Indonesia. Layanan ini tetap berakar pada nilai-nilai inti kami, termasuk Media, Kreatif, Acara, Periklanan, dan Kampanye Pemasaran.


Mobiliari Group mengakhiri kemitraan lisensi dengan Tatler dan mulai memperoleh lisensi untuk Robb Report Indonesia, untuk meningkatkan misi & visi kami untuk memperluas jangkauan kami sebagai media dan komunitas global, yang memungkinkan cakupan dan pengaruh yang diperluas.

Our Milestone


Didirikan sebagai perusahaan penerbitan khusus yang menangani majalah cetak berlabel putih untuk merek/perusahaan mewah dalam industri mode, gaya hidup, otomotif, dan perbankan.


Mobiliari Group memperoleh lisensi untuk Tatler Indonesia, yang mencakup majalah cetak, majalah suplemen, dan acara khusus, yang memperkuat posisi kami sebagai pemain kunci dalam industri media mewah.


Meluncurkan kehadiran digital Tater Indonesia, memperluas platform kami dalam pasar mewah melalui portal web dan keterlibatan di saluran media sosial.


Memperkuat bisnis melalui pengenalan Layanan Kustom, yang disesuaikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan tren di antara pasar dan komunitas mewah di Indonesia. Layanan ini tetap berakar pada nilai-nilai inti kami, termasuk Media, Kreatif, Acara, Periklanan, dan Kampanye Pemasaran.


Mobiliari Group mengakhiri kemitraan lisensi dengan Tatler dan mulai memperoleh lisensi untuk Robb Report Indonesia, untuk meningkatkan misi & visi kami untuk memperluas jangkauan kami sebagai media dan komunitas global, yang memungkinkan cakupan dan pengaruh yang diperluas.

Di Mobiliari Marketing Agency, kami memadukan kreativitas luar biasa dengan strategi terukur untuk mendorong merek Anda ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi. Dengan tim yang berdedikasi dan jaringan profesional yang luas, kami memandu Anda melalui perjalanan pemasaran yang tak tertandingi. Kami menyediakan semua layanan dan solusi pemasaran, termasuk Pemasaran Kreatif, Pemasaran Acara, Pemasaran Digital, dan Periklanan yang disesuaikan dengan selera yang paling canggih.

Lebih dari sekadar agensi, kami adalah mitra yang berkomitmen, siap membantu bisnis Anda berkembang di pasar yang kompetitif. Di Mobiliari Marketing Agency, setiap detail diukur untuk hasil yang optimal. Kesuksesan Anda adalah prioritas utama kami.

Kami Memahami Kemewahan

Tingkatkan Strategi Pemasaran Anda Bersama Kami

At Mobiliari Marketing Agency, we blend exceptional creativity with measurable strategies to propel your brand to new heights. With a dedicated team and a vast professional network, we guide you through unparalleled marketing journeys. We provide all marketing services and solutions, includes Creative Marketing, Event Marketing, Digital Marketing and Advertising tailored to the most sophisticated tastes.

More than just an agency, we are committed partners, ready to help your business thrive in a competitive market. At Mobiliari Marketing Agency, every detail is measured for optimal results. Your success is our top priority.

We Understand Luxury

Elevate Your Marketing Strategy With Us

Our Reach & Community

20K +

Print Magazine

225K +

Print Magazine

1M +


500 +

VVIP Attendances
Across Asia

1500 +



Di Mobiliari Group, kami membayangkan sebuah dunia tempat merek-merek mewah dengan mudah memikat pemirsanya, meninggalkan jejak yang tak terhapuskan di hati dan pikiran konsumen yang cerdas.


Misi kami adalah menjadi mitra utama bagi merek-merek mewah yang ingin mendefinisikan kembali kehadiran dan pengaruh pasar mereka.


At Mobiliari Group, we envision a world where luxury brands effortlessly captivate their audiences, leaving an indelible mark on the discerning consumer's heart and mind.


Our mission is to be the premier partner for luxury brands seeking to redefine their market presence and influence.



We believe in creating a refined and exclusive experience in everything we do.

Bespoke Creativity

We believe in creating a refined and exclusive experience in
everything we do.


We have a strong work ethic and are committed to delivering excellence in all aspects of our work.


We work alongside our clients to understand their vision and bring it to life through our expertise.


Orchid Ball

Orchid Ball is one of the most anticipated annual events on Indonesia’s high society calendar—gathering the country’s elites and high-profile figures to spend the night dancing under one roof while giving back to the community. Managed and organized by Mobiliari Group and Maria Lukito Foundation, Orchid Ball’s main purpose is not the dancefloor, but the charity and auction sessions with proceeds going to different foundations each year.



Tatler Ball

A night of all things glamorous, Tatler Ball was Indonesia's premier society event, uniting diverse elite communities in a grand celebration unlike any other. First debuted in 2001, Tatler Ball welcomed guests from various upper echelons, boasting luminaries from entertainment, politics, high society, and economics, with names like Luna Maya, Airyn Tanu, and Irwan Mussry gracing its guest list. 


Tee off towards victory at SwingT Golf Tournament. Organized by Tatler Indonesia & Mobiliari Events in collaboration with MainGolfYuk, SwingT is where connections and friendship begin as the ball rolls.



Gentleman’s Club

A gathering for the finest gentlemen in the city. Where stimulating conversations are shared over premium drinks and hand-rolled cigars, discussing everything from business ventures to the latest in motors and lifestyle trends.

Orchid Ball

Orchid Ball is one of the most anticipated annual events on Indonesia’s high society calendar—gathering the country’s elites and high-profile figures to spend the night dancing under one roof while giving back to the community. Managed and organized by Mobiliari Group and Maria Lukito Foundation, Orchid Ball’s main purpose is not the dancefloor, but the charity and auction sessions with proceeds going to different foundations each year.



Tatler Ball

A night of all things glamorous, Tatler Ball was Indonesia's premier society event, uniting diverse elite communities in a grand celebration unlike any other. First debuted in 2001, Tatler Ball welcomed guests from various upper echelons, boasting luminaries from entertainment, politics, high society, and economics, with names like Luna Maya, Airyn Tanu, and Irwan Mussry gracing its guest list. 


Tee off towards victory at SwingT Golf Tournament. Organized by Tatler Indonesia & Mobiliari Events in collaboration with MainGolfYuk, SwingT is where connections and friendship begin as the ball rolls.



Gentleman’s Club

A gathering for the finest gentlemen in the city. Where stimulating conversations are shared over premium drinks and hand-rolled cigars, discussing everything from business ventures to the latest in motors and lifestyle trends.

⁠Dr. Alan Cheung Afternoon Talks x Tatler Indonesia

An intimate talk show with Asia's leading orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Alan Cheung at ALICE Jakarta on the 25th of July 2023.



IHC World Cancer Day x Tatler Indonesia

A collaboration between Indonesia Healthcare Corporation (IHC) and Tatler Indonesia to commemorate World Cancer Day. Held at the Intercontinental Hotel Jakarta on March 15 2023, the event was created as an effort to increase public awareness & concern for cancer treatment.

Robb Report Indonesia Launching x Raj Kannan at Artoz Bar Jakarta

The very first Robb Report Indonesia launching event, hosted by RR Indonesia Ambassador, Raj Kannan, and founder of Mobiliari Group, Millie Stephanie Lukito on the 16th of November 2023 at Artoz Bar Jakarta. 



⁠⁠Martell x ⁠⁠Robb Report Indonesia and Feisal Hamka at KAMA Jakarta

On the 23rd of November 2023, Robb Report Indonesia collaborated with Martell Cognac for a VIP Private Dining at KAMA Cuisine & Libations, Senopati. The launch was hosted by Faesal Hamka, brand ambassador of Robb Report Indonesia, who welcomed guests to enjoy the newly launched Martell Noblige. 

John Hardy x Robb Report Indonesia

Robb Report Indonesia collaborated with John Hardy for a festive launching celebration at John Hardy Boutique & Gallery, Bali on the 31st of January 2024.



La Prairie x ⁠⁠Robb Report Indonesia

On the 12th of September 2023, La Prairie Switzerland teamed up with Mobiliari for 'The Art of Glamour' event at the La Prairie Boutique Jakarta. Hosted by Millie Lukito, Founder of Mobiliari.

⁠⁠La Mer x Lavish Media

A showcase of @lamer's most coveted collection, Geinaissance de la Mer, at Ritz Carlton Mega Kuningan on 29th of February 2024, presented by Mobiliari Group and Lavish Media.


⁠IHC inauguration as part of the Mayo Clinic Care Network

Public announcement of Indonesian Healthcare Corporation’s partnership with Mayo Clinic Care Network (MCCN). Held at Gedung Graha RSPP Jakarta on the 26th of January 2023.



⁠⁠Mandiri Young Business Forum

Presented by Bank Mandiri Wealth Management, the Mandiri Young Business Forum was held at Plataran Bandung Grand Central on the 25th of July 2023. 

Mandiri Entrepreneurs Meet Up

Held in May 2023 by Bank Mandiri Wealth Management, the Mandiri Entrepreneurs Meet Up gathering provides a platform for female entrepreneurs to build and support each other.



Chante Essentia Grand Launching

Launching of Chanté Essentia at Senayan City on the 28th of March 2024.

Custom Publishing 

Bespoke publications crafted
exclusively for industry leaders across
a variety of industries, ranging from
banks, property, and automotive


BSI Prioritas


BSI Prioritas Edisi 1

CIMB Preferred by CIMB Niaga


CIMB Preferred Edisi 3


CIMB Preferred Edisi 2


CIMB Preferred Edisi 1

Good Living by BTN Prioritas


Good Living Edisi 3 2022


Good Living Edisi 2 2022


Good Living Edisi 2 2022

Allure Ambition


Allure Ambition Vol. 1


Our previous publications paved our
way to becoming a prominent
player in the world of luxury publication. A
journey we continue to explore.


Tatler Indonesia 

For over 23 years Tatler Indonesia was the pinnacle of luxury publishing, keeping readers up to date with the latest lifestyle news from Indonesia and beyond. Stories covered include luxury goods, global trends, business profiles and many more. From in-depth features to exclusive insights, Tatler Indonesia was the ultimate reading where luxury knows no bounds.


Tatler Indonesia Dec’21


Tatler Indonesia Nov’21


Tatler Indonesia Oct’21


Tatler Indonesia Sep’21


Tatler Indonesia Aug’21


Tatler Indonesia Jul’21


Tatler Indonesia Jun’21


Tatler Indonesia May’21


Tatler Indonesia Apr’21


Tatler Indonesia Mar’21


Tatler Indonesia Feb’21


Tatler Indonesia Jan’21


Tatler Indonesia Dec’22


Tatler Indonesia Nov’22


Tatler Indonesia Oct’22


Tatler Indonesia Sep’22


Tatler Indonesia Aug’22


Tatler Indonesia Jul’22


Tatler Indonesia Jun’22


Tatler Indonesia May’22


Tatler Indonesia Apr’22


Tatler Indonesia Mar’22


Tatler Indonesia Feb’22


Tatler Indonesia Jan’22


Tatler Indonesia Aug’23


Tatler Indonesia Jul’23


Tatler Indonesia Jun’23


Tatler Indonesia May’23


Tatler Indonesia Apr’23


Tatler Indonesia Mar’23


Tatler Indonesia Feb’23


Tatler Indonesia Jan’23

Generation T

Generation T represents our Leaders of Tomorrow. The young people who are changing the world and redefining the future with their ambitions. Gen.T recognizes innovative ideas in entrepreneurship, technology, culture, social impact and well-being, handpicked by a panel of industry heavyweights, experts, and thought leaders we call “The Tribe”. 


GenT 2023


GenT 2022


GenT 2021


GenT 2020


GenT 2019


GenT 2018


GenT 2017


Tatler Supplements

Tatler Indonesia's exclusive special editions, carefully curated to showcase the finest in watches & jewelry, luxurious homes, men’s fashion, and modest styles. Unveiling a world of sophistication with hand picked selections that underlines timeless beauty and impeccable craftsmanship. 


Tatler Lavish


Tatler Gentleman Read


Tatler W&J


IT Homes Dec’16 - Feb’17


IT Homes Jun’16 - Aug’16


IT Homes Mar’16 - May’16


IT Homes Dec’15 - Feb’16


IT Homes Sep’15 - Nov’15


IT Homes Jun’15 - Aug’15


IT Homes Jun’14 - Aug’14


IT Traveller Oct’15


Orchid Ball

Orchid Ball is one of the most anticipated annual events on Indonesia’s high society calendar—gathering the country’s elites and high-profile figures to spend the night dancing under one roof while giving back to the community. Managed and organized by Mobiliari Group and Maria Lukito Foundation, Orchid Ball’s main purpose is not the dancefloor, but the charity and auction sessions with proceeds going to different foundations each year.



Tatler Ball

A night of all things glamorous, Tatler Ball was Indonesia's premier society event, uniting diverse elite communities in a grand celebration unlike any other. First debuted in 2001, Tatler Ball welcomed guests from various upper echelons, boasting luminaries from entertainment, politics, high society, and economics, with names like Luna Maya, Airyn Tanu, and Irwan Mussry gracing its guest list. 


Tee off towards victory at SwingT Golf Tournament. Organized by Tatler Indonesia & Mobiliari Events in collaboration with MainGolfYuk, SwingT is where connections and friendship begin as the ball rolls.



Gentleman’s Club

A gathering for the finest gentlemen in the city. Where stimulating conversations are shared over premium drinks and hand-rolled cigars, discussing everything from business ventures to the latest in motors and lifestyle trends.

Meet the Team

Millie S Lukito

Pendiri dan Kepala Biro


Havid Han

Kepala Eksekutif


Heru Setiawan

Kepala Pejabat Keuangan

Rachel Octavia

Kepala Pemasaran

Anna Subarjo

Direktur Bisnis Terpadu


Erni Madjid

Direktur Bisnis Terpadu


Paulina Nani

Direktur Bisnis Terpadu


Ario Fareiza

Manajer Keuangan

Ananda Nurhafsah

Pengembangan Masyarakat

Novranto Huntua

Redaktur Pelaksana


Ujang Slamet (Uze)

Direktur Seni Senior

Billy Arthajie

Manajer Produksi, Sirkulasi dan Pedagang, Mobiliari Group


Martina Kadang

Pengendali Keuangan Senior

Heri B. Heryanto

Fotografer Senior

Irwan Kurnia


Meet The Team

Millie S Lukito

Pendiri dan Kepala Biro


Havid Han

Kepala Eksekutif


Heru Setiawan

Kepala Pejabat Keuangan

Rachel Octavia

Kepala Pemasaran

Anna Subarjo

Direktur Bisnis Terpadu


Erni Madjid

Direktur Bisnis Terpadu


Paulina Nani

Direktur Bisnis Terpadu


Ario Fareiza

Manajer Keuangan

Ananda Nurhafsah

Pengembangan Masyarakat

Novranto Huntua

Redaktur Pelaksana


Ujang Slamet (Uze)

Direktur Seni Senior

Billy Arthajie

Manajer Produksi, Sirkulasi dan Pedagang, Mobiliari Group


Martina Kadang

Pengendali Keuangan Senior

Heri B. Heryanto

Fotografer Senior

Irwan Kurnia


Contact Us

Our team will contact you as soon as possible