Tatler Ball Pushes Marine Message

Tatler Ball Pushes Marine Message

9 December, 2013

Society event draws more than a thousand people overall

Mobiliari Group, publisher of market-leading high-society magazine Indonesia Tatler, held this year’s Indonesia Tatler Ball in conjunction with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The Indonesia Tatler-Panda Ball was held on November 29, 2013, at the Shangri-La Hotel Jakarta.

More than 300 people attended a gala dinner with the theme “A Tribute to the Sea”, since it was specifically aimed at raising awareness of the WWFs Coral Triangle Initiative. This initiative is a partnership of six countries formed in 2007 to address urgent threats facing the coastal and marine resources of one of the most biologically diverse and ecologically rich regions on earth. The Coral Triangle is a geographical term that refers to a roughly triangular shape of marine waters between the Pacific and Indian oceans, and includes Indonesia within its boundary.

The Indonesia Tatler Ball is the highlight of the year’s social calendar and always counts politicians, ambassadors, local dignitaries and other VVIPs among its guests. This year, and in keeping with its theme, the Ball was attended by WWF Coral Triangle Initiative Ambassador and celebrity chef Bobby Chinn, who treated the crowd to a live cooking demonstration. WWF Ambassador Nadya Hutagalung hosted the event alongside local TV personality Dalton Tanonaka.

The programme also featured UK singing sensation Danielle Hope. Danielle is only 22 years old but has already starred in the UK’s West End musicals Over The Rainbow and Les Miserables. She performed several songs including “Beyond the Sea” and “Mambo Italiano” during which she was accompanied by dancers Ratih Soe and Joseph Carta.

Meanwhile, the audience also enjoyed stellar performances by Los Morenitos, Turkish tenor Tarik Akman and professional tango dancers Fabian Peralta and Josefina Bermudez.

More than 700 people then attended the “Pirates of the Ocean Party” that closed the event. This packed “after party” included the launch of Mobiliari’s MasterCard Destination Bali book, as well as an appearance by Bobby Chinn and a selection of stunning dance performances accompanied by a storming DJ set.

“As well as pushing the Coral Triangle Initiative, our aim is always to bring to our guests the most memorable social experience of the year,” said Millie Stephanie. “Tatler Balls are known to be lavish affairs, and this year’s was no exception.”