Wedding Story: Rizky Reynaldo and Zafira Bustaman

Wedding Story: Rizky Reynaldo and Zafira Bustaman

4 May, 2020

Kiss the Bride

Celebrating the true love story of Rizky Reynaldo and Zafira Bustaman

Foto: Dok. Tatler Indonesia December Issue 2019

Rizky Reynaldo and Zafira Bustaman beamed with joy as they celebrated their happiness in the opulent room of The Atrium at Sampoerna Strategic Square in Jakarta. Dressed in a perfect wedding suit for his once-in-a-lifetime experience, the son of Srie Herlambang and Mira Magnolia, together with the daughter of Bustaman Laguna and Djuniarti Amin, wowed guests with their chic and classic outfits. With a beautiful bouquet in her hand, Zafira outshone the brightest of stars with her elegant, embroidered wedding dress coupled with a silver flower crown.

Foto: Dok. Tatler Indonesia December Issue 2019

Attended by close family members and honourable guests, all were dressed in lavish cocktail attire and enthusiastically cheered the lovely couple. While the live music lifted the mood of the wedding with classic love songs, a lavish banquet lined up on a table glittering in gold and silver was also ready to fuel the fun.

Foto: Dok. Tatler Indonesia December Issue 2019


Source: Kevin, Hesikios, “Kiss the Bride”, Tatler Indonesia, December Issue, 2019