Indonesia Tatler February 2015

Indonesia Tatler February 2015

1 February, 2015

Indonesia Tatler February 2015

In the Name of Love

With valentine’s Day just around the corner, we’re all aware of its significance. For couples, February is probably the most romantic month of the year, and for others, it’s the month when we celebrate all kinds of love. To me, love is much about our actions as it is about our feelings—actions that don’t need to be lovey-dovey but more of simple acts that would make others feel cared for and comfortable with your presence.

In this issue, we go different. Instead of putting a powerful couple on our cover, just like how we did in our past February editions, we picked a phenomenal individual, a woman who has shaken the system and tried to make a difference in the maritime world. Fisheries and Marine Affairs Minister Susi Pudjiastuti deserves our nod. Not only does she try to eradicate illegal fishing problems, which which revolve around many foreign vessels plundering resources of our waters, she’s also determined to cut the red tape in her department. Her love for the nation and drive to improve the country are such an inspiration for us to continue working hard and set goals.

Quoting philosopher Daisaku Ikeda, “Love should be a force that helps you expand your life and bring forth your innate potential with fresh and dynamic vitality,” our featured couple this month, the newly wedded Alexandra Asmasoebrata and her husband, Dias Baskara, couldn’t agree more on the saying. The two believe that pursuing their own self-development is important in a healthy relationship, with encouraging each other to reach their respective goals being key to their happiness. Last but not least, don’t skip the Faces section in which you can read the success stories of Oesman Sapta Odang and Jennifer Karjadi. Jennifer, the co-founder of The Union Group, shares her personal experiences dealing with disapprovals while transforming them into a positive force for her human revolution.